Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Seusstacular Day!

Today is Dr. Seuss' birthday! I loved Dr. Seuss as a kid, but found a whole new love of him when we started reading to Levi while I was pregnant. Now that he's here...he loves his books too! So to celebrate I thought we needed a picture of Levi with his wocket that Mimi got him for Christmas. Sometimes Levi has wocket hair. :)

Today I was wishing I taught kinder. They were walking around the school in their hand made Cat hats, they were so precious! Most 4th graders are so over Dr. Seuss and on to more important things like Captain Underpants.

It's also Texas Independence Day! Yeehaw!

1 comment:

  1. Yay blogging buddies!!! You are a beautiful, amazing Mommy. Lv your blog!! going to be a treat to watch this angel grow. Happy weekend!!!
