Friday, February 21, 2014

Welcome February!

Look how darn cute these 2 are!! They are so funny together. Best friends, and worst enemies! Can you tell they're a little smitten for their Grandpa??

Chloe thinks it's the biggest treat to sit in Levi's car seat. When we're going just to my mom's house I usually let him sit in between the car seats (GASP!) and her in his. Even if it's in the house! Haha She love his seat!

Levi was in time out for being mean to her. She goes and snuggles with him. Go figure?

Working on some crafts for our new house!! The kids will actually have their own bathroom! Wahoo for more than 1 bathroom! Haha

Since we bought a new house, we needed to get ours ready to sell. on earth am I supposed to show a house when it looks like this all the time???? (Of course God knows my limits and it sold quickly. Whew!)

Time to pack for DISNEY WORLD!!! We were SO pumped to be pulling out shorts and t-shirts....but there's a slight problem. NONE of Levi's t-shirts from last year are long enough! Stop growing!!!!

Chloe is already getting into dress up! These are shoes that I bought for Brielle when she was 1. Diana was sweet enough to pass them down to Chloe, and now she wants to wear them ALLLLL the time. Haha! She loves to go get shoes and put them on, but these are the fav lately!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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